Saint Syncletike was from the city of Alexandria in the country of Egypt. Because of her great love for God, she was a virgin. In other words, she kept her body and her whole life pure.
She also led an ascetic life. This means that she chose to avoid meaningless or silly conversations, tasty foods, and comfortable living. When she had problems, she was patient.
When other women saw Saint Syncletike’s goodness and virtue, they also became nuns and followed her way of life. She was a wise teacher. The nuns learned from her how to live as true Christians. Her disciples called her “Amma,” because she was their spiritual mother.
Near the end of her life, she had a painful disease. It affected her throat so that she could only speak with great difficulty. Her nuns told her not to try to talk – her life was their best teacher. Even in this trial, she continued to be patient and faithful in her love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
She died when she was eighty-three years old, in the middle of the fourth century.
We honor this Holy Virgin on January 5.
She also led an ascetic life. This means that she chose to avoid meaningless or silly conversations, tasty foods, and comfortable living. When she had problems, she was patient.
When other women saw Saint Syncletike’s goodness and virtue, they also became nuns and followed her way of life. She was a wise teacher. The nuns learned from her how to live as true Christians. Her disciples called her “Amma,” because she was their spiritual mother.
Near the end of her life, she had a painful disease. It affected her throat so that she could only speak with great difficulty. Her nuns told her not to try to talk – her life was their best teacher. Even in this trial, she continued to be patient and faithful in her love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
She died when she was eighty-three years old, in the middle of the fourth century.
We honor this Holy Virgin on January 5.
Apolytikion. Tone 3. Awed by the beauty…
Before the purity of thy life, O Saint, arrays of angels stand as a choir amazed, for with a mortal body thou didst make the devil to feel ashamed. Thou didst become an equal to Saint Anthony. O blessed one, thou didst transcribe thy teachings as a wise instructress; wherefore, we who are taught by thee, cry out to thee: Rejoice, Syncletike, the splendor of the saints.